What we don't do
We believe that your financial plan comes first! Investments, pensions, family protection, tax planning are vehicles that may or may not be used in order to guarantee the success of your plan .
We have learnt that by avoiding the following behaviours we can also contribute towards this success!
Things we do not do
We do not...
Predict the stock market, or funds for you to invest in. We believe that markets are efficient; stock and fund picking is essentially down to luck, we don’t have a crystal ball....!!! We believe the only thing that matters is time in the market.
We do not...
Avoid uncomfortable truths. Our process produces robust financial plans, which will help you achieve your life goals. But, these can’t be put together without some challenging questions being asked and potentially tricky subjects dealt with.
We do not...
Predict the future, nor can anyone else. We believe that the only time to invest is when you have the money, and the time to come out of the market is when you need the money. If you are looking for someone who believes they can time the market, we are not the partner for you.
We do not...
Sell products or funds. We are planners, we want to help you plan your future, we won’t simply sell you a financial product, which isn’t part of a plan.
We do not...
Set false expectations simply because it avoids a difficult conversation with you. We will always tell you the truth about your money.
We do not...
Sign off an existing decision you have made, without making sure it’s in your best interest and part of a long-term plan designed to deliver your life goals.
We do not...
Have any idea where or what the next "hot" investment idea is. Or what this year's best selling fund will be.
We do not...
Read or care about what is in the weekend money supplements about what journalists or economists believe will happen in markets in the short term.